Our Mission
We are an organization in the eastern suburbs of Syracuse NY with members from
Fayetteville, Manlius, East Syracuse, Minoa, Dewitt, Jamesville, Chittenango, Cazenovia, and Canastota. Volunteers from all walks of life have come together to jointly improve our neighborhood
experiences through social activities.
The main goal of FM Neighbors and Newcomers is to create a sense of community in the neighborhoods where people live and work. We hope that an increased sense of community will lead to more personal
involvement and more cultural, educational and social activities, which will create a better community and a better place for us to live.
Click on Activities listed in the yellow header above to see pictures and more information about each activity.
Current club activities are listed on this page, but our club always has room for new
interest groups. Please get in touch with Ulla Brasz or e-mail fmneighbors@yahoo.com to get more information about our current activities or to share your ideas.
Always check the monthly newsletter to verify date, time, and place of each activity or event. Please RSVP in a timely fashion if a hostess is named and always verify times and dates. Last minute
changes can occur after the newsletter goes to the printer.
Unless otherwise noted, see your Membership Directory for phone numbers and email
addresses. Or send a note to fmneighbors@yahoo.com, our club's general email address.
Book Group. Our informal group enjoys reading and discussing a wide variety of books––most of recent vintage. We meet monthly (September-July),
generally on the third Monday of the month, usually at a member’s home. Contact April Lazarus. ? Contact
Breakfast Club (Ladies). Not for working women only! We generally get together the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for breakfast and socializing. The
venue changes from month to month. For more information, get in touch with Clare Miller. ? Contact
Bridge. Meets the Fourth Friday from 10 to 2. The hostess provides a light lunch (no dessert). To join, call Jerri Hinds. ? Contact BridgeLadies@FMNeighbors.org.
Bunko 4 (First Wednesday). We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. New members welcome. Call or email April Lazarus for more
Bunko 2 (Third Wednesday). Call or email us to join this group or get on a sub list. ? Contact
Canasta-Days. Contact Karen Hanlon. Meets every other Thursday from 10 to 2. Hostess provides light lunch. ? Contact Canasta@FMNeighbors.org.
Creative Endeavors. Our versatile ladies enjoy needlework (knitting, crochet, and quilting) as well as calligraphy, jewelry beading, needle punch, counted
cross stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, sewing, and dollhouse miniatures. Join us once a month as we work on our individual projects. Contact Michele Harris if you would like to join us or would be
willing to demonstrate a craft. We will take turns hosting the meetings in our homes at 2 PM on the first Monday of the month.
Dining Out. No excuse is necessary to join this informal group that generally meets once a month (often Friday evening). Get in touch with Joan
Cacchio or Marisa Wolthausen for more information. ? Contact DiningOut@FMNeighbors.org.
Discover Central New York. We visit historic homes, garden and fashion shows and other points of interest in Central NY. Contact Ulla Brasz. ? Contact DiscoverCNY@FMNeighbors.org.
Dominoes (Mexican Train). We generally meet the first Friday of each month at 7 p.m. Location changes each month. For more information, call or email us. ? Contact Dominoes@FMNeighbors.org.
Gourmet Dining. We generally meet once a month on the third Saturday. In September, we have a kick-off party; in December, we have a cocktail party;
and we end the year with a picnic. Contact Ulla Brasz or Lisa Lopez.
Hiking/Kayaking. Weather Permitting. Contact Clare Miller.
Movies (Day). No need to drag your spouse or significant other to another “chick flick.” Join the movie group and go to the movies with your friends.
We generally meet once a month, usually on a Friday. To get on the list for movie alerts or to suggest a movie, get in touch with Linda Flynn.
Pot Luck Lunch. We get together once a month for an informal get together. Guests bring appetizers, salad, entree, or dessert. Hostess provides
beverages. Great conversation with great food and great friends. For more info or to host, contact Denise Moreen.
Scrabble. Do you like words? Do you like games? This is the group for you! We meet the third Friday of each month (1 to 3
Skiing, Cross-County. In Syracuse, we love our winter sports. No need to suffer from cabin fever. Get in touch with Nancy Shepard if you want to
Sunshine. If you know a member who needs a cheery message please contact Joan Cacchio.
Syracuse Cultural Events. There’s a lot going on in our community at large, and we try to take advantage of the free or low-cost events, concerts, and lectures
that occur from time to time. Call or write Nancy Shepard for more information.
Volunteers and Community Action. Check the newsletter each month for opportunities to help out in the community, and get in touch with with
the President if you hear of something going on that would appeal to our membership. ? Contact
Tasting. Monthly wine tastings are generally held on the first Saturday of each month at 7 p.m. (We may skip
an occasional month.) If you like people, conversation, and trying new wines, this informal group may be just the one for you. Guests bring an appetizer to share; at the end of the
evening the cost of wine and water is shared by everyone who partakes in the tasting. Cost per person is generally 10 to 15 dollars (unless otherwise noted). ? Contact WineTasting@FMNeighbors.org.